Monday, July 28, 2014

Rangeley, ME (Mile 220)

What a trip!! The trail has been so challenging and so rewarding so far. I made it through the roots and mud and bugs of central Maine and now it's on to rough rocky terrain in the southern part of the state. I just finished 100 miles or so from Monson to Rangeley across rivers and mountains. I even got a "ferry" ride (from a very nice gentleman in a canoe) because of strong river currents.

I hit a lot of mountains recently. I ended up doing one a day for the last few days. Saddleback was definitely the best so far. Absolutely amazing views. I also had a great near-0 day where Craig and I only hiked 6 miles and saw some thunder clouds approaching. We booked it over the mountain we were climbing and stayed at a shelter a short way down with some awesome north bounders. We spent about 13 hours laying around in the lean-to reading, sleeping, and watching the lightning up on the peak.

I have met an amazing cast of characters so far. So many great and unique people. Everyone out here is so friendly and helpful. The comradery is definitely the best part of this adventure. People have been providing free food and rides and offering us places to stay. It's amazing what comes your way when you open yourself up to it. I am going to do my best to pay it forward and keep it going.

I will be updating my blog more regularly soon. All of these trail towns in Maine are remote and far apart so it's hard to find service. I'm only 60 miles from the NH border though!! Less than a week away!

Beautiful pondside campsite outside Rangeley
Shoelace tying
The Horn on Saddleback - you can see the ridgleline trail going up the mountain in the background 
Saddleback Junior!!
Repackaging delicious Fig Newman's from Newman's Own Organics
Makeshift bridge building with a plastic spoon. The travel guitar is hanging in there. Thanks Bronson!


  1. You are an inspiration~ Love and Miss You!
    Travel safe xoxoxo
    Auntie Pat

  2. Uncle John and I both are enjoying your updates! I agree with Auntie. You're an inspiration and we're so proud!! Happy trails, stay safe, love you!!
