Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Greetings from NH (mile 300)

My first state is done!! So long Maine! It's a little sad - the people there were incredible and from what I gather it's definitely the most wild state (very few roads and small isolated trail towns) - but I'm proud of my accomplishment.

The southernmost 20 miles of the Appalachian Trail in Maine are rumored to be some of the hardest. I don't doubt it! The trail goes up a mountain, all the way back down to nearly sea level, then back up again. My knees were killing me. I ended Maine with Mahoussic Notch, involving a steep decent down Old Speck Mountain and a mile of scrambling over boulders and through narrow caves. Even the last 0.5 of Maine was difficult. There was a big rock wall to climb right at the end.

I am on a never ending quest to lighten my pack weight. I have sent home a lot of things and am down to what I think are just the basics. I'm even ripping pages out of my book as I read them but it still seems too heavy after I ressuply on food. It's a learning process. I keep getting tips from people as I talk to them.

I am having a little trouble uploading pictures and was waiting to post an entry until I could figure it out but internet access is rare so I can only do a few for now.


  1. look amazing. Keep traveling safe and I am with you every step of the way. Hugs and love to you and Craig! Xoxo

  2. I love how peaceful you all look!!! Stay healthy, don't rip out TOO many pages and stay safe! ENJOY!!! Keep posting when you can. We love seeing these! <3
