Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rained out in Gorham (mile 319)

I'm in town sooner than anticipated this time because of the rain. Yesterday every hiker that passed me suggested taking a zero day today because there was a 100% chance of rain in the forecast and tough terrain ahead. It was a good excuse to sit around the Pinkham Notch vistor center reading and eat too much food.

I had a great hike over the past couple of days - over Mt. Moriah and across the Carter and Wildcat mountains. I slept on top of North Carter and got to watch the sun rising over a sea of clouds. The mountaintops looked like they were floating in a thick white soup.

Tomorrow I'm back on the trail. I am climbing Mt. Madison and heading down over Adams, Jefferson, and Washington. Hopefully I get some views and I'm not just shrouded in clouds the whole time. One of the unfortunate things about having a timeline is that I can't wait around too long for a clear day to hike. As long as there is no thunder or heavy rain I will keep climbing.

I just got back from a few days off to see my lovely friend Nicole get married. It was really great to see my family and have lunch with my friends Sarah and Bronson. My only regret is not seeing my dad before I left. I couldn't be here if it weren't for him and I hope we get to hike together in the future.

Taking some time off was awesome because I am hiking with a new group of Southbounders now. My favorite SOBOs Campfire and Young Guns are slightly ahead of us but we saw some fresh faces in the past couple of days so hopefully we won't be camping alone.

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